Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My idea.

This idea has been in my head for a few years now. I've been slowly learning how to really make it work and trying to figure out a way to make it inexpensive at the same time. The idea came to me when I first acquired my 1988 Acura Integra and realized that nearly all of the carbon fiber parts available were for the later generations of the Integra model line. I thought there should be a way to get parts made without breaking the bank. Here's my idea...

1. I figure out how to make molds from parts and then make parts from the molds. This will allow me to take a part made from metal, mold it, then make parts from any type of composite material. Carbon fiber is of course the most popular, due to it's great appearance, but you could also use fiberglass or Kevlar, or a combination of any of the three.

2. I have to get my idea out in the world, so people can find out that it is available. This blog should help.

3. Keep it affordable. My most recent employer explained why he did not price his products as high as some of his competitors by quoting a mentor of his. Here's the quote... 'Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered." I plan to keep my prices as low as possible. I don't expect to get rich doing this.

4. Incentives. I figure that most of the potential customers will be people that are enthusiastic about their particular model of car. I'd like to offer an incentive that would amount to a discount for multiple orders of any part or parts. Giving 10% off for an order of 10 pieces, or 11 for the price of 10 should work.

The tough part is probably going to be getting the part to my garage to be molded. Hopefully I'll be able to find reasonable parts at nearby salvage yards, or maybe a customer will be close enough to bring one to me.

One thing to keep in mind is that the part being molded will need to have a near perfect finish on it and be perfectly straight. Any dents or scratches will show on the mold and any imperfections in the shape might prevent it from fitting. I've got plans already to mold and produce parts for my 88 Integra, just need to get some supplies for molding.

Any interest in this?

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